Sunday, October 14, 2007

family theme

I was listening to NPR today and the contributor was quite entertaining. Among other things he talked about was how every family has a theme.
"Our father left us so we are totally dysfunctional"
"We were raised by a gypsy"
"We are filthy rich"
"Although we live in Greenwich Village we were raised like we lived in Kansas City"

What shall our family theme be?

The Mom


Lindsey said...

I have been thinking about the theme. We are so ridiculously normal when looking at the way we function and our activities from the outside. From the inside I think the view is much different. Don't take this the wrong way, family, but I think you are all incredibly bizarre. I'm sure you think the same of me. what is normal on the outside and strange on the inside? so maybe our theme is something along the lines of "Fincham family: Like a peanut canister of exploding snakes"

I think that picture I got in my email this morning from uncle Jim sums things up nicely.

bafinch said...

you make your mom laugh!


Ethan said...

Here's a quote:

lindsey.fincham: my space heater sounds like it is cooking bacon

It's obviously weird but it's also endearing. Are snakes in a can endearing? Maybe if they're screaming I love you in a stupid voice as they come out.

Unknown said...

I'm here and alive now on the blog page. I hate snakes in a can because they scare me everytime. But I didn't think that was a funny theme for us.

The favorite child

Lindsey said...

Listen all of you! I see that you hate my theme, but I don't see you making any suggestions

Ethan said...

No i love your theme idea. I just think the snakes should be endearing snakes.

Lindsey said...

Maybe we should change the name of the blog then.