Thursday, October 11, 2007

Let's all take some time to talk about Lindsey!

I have several points of interest to discuss with those of you who aren't reading this blog anyway. But I feel that if I keep making comments, eventually someone in the family will respond. Where is Elizabeth anyway?

  • Remember Thornton Burgess? did you know that Mother Westwind Stories were published in 1909? I learned that recently and was amazed that I didn't find that book boring.
  • I am done sugar coating this information. I hate my roommate. outright and blatantly I hope that she literally does drive herself insane to the point that she has to go home. I go out of my way to be nice and to be polite, but I am not afforded the same respect. She wakes me up 3 times a day which is naturally a little frustrating. Plus, as you all know I can't function politely in society if I need a nap...which I can't get because she will start making a ton of noises.
  • My midterm today got canceled. It is on Monday now, I guess I already studied for it/didn't think I needed to study for it so I wont have to not study on Sunday. I also took the most ridiculous midterm in Cross Cultural Communication. which is mostly a made up subject I don't know that I should expect any better of the professor or the test. My problem really is that the professor has a problem with the fact that I am American and female. Just like the French kid in the class who voted for Sarkozy anyway. blegh. Wednesdays suck!
  • So I have several options for my future.
    1. I might graduate in the spring and do something real with my life
    2. I might graduate next spring and have a bachelors and a masters degree at that point.
    3. Maybe I'll have a summer internship with the state department. maybe I would really hate to that though
    4. If I ever graduate I would like to go to Morocco or Mongolia in the peace corps. That would completely ruin my chances of being in the CIA though. Did you know that? that if you are in the peace corps you can't be in the CIA and vice versa? weird.
    5. There is an undergraduate research grant available to me from AU if I apply and they give it to me. it is only 2,500 dollars but that could be awesome. Let me explain this: I have a class called intro to international relations research, where I have to write a research design which outlines how i would like to conduct research about something. I actually have to write three 5 page research designs in different styles and one 12 page research design which i guess is a combination. This research design is going to be about the peace movement in the baltics and the dissolution of the soviet union. because it is about peace movements I can actually write a paper with the information I have and turn it in for my Introduction to Peace and Conflict Resolution class. thusly, I have completed assignments for 2 classes with this one paper. PLUS! I can also use the research design I have written to apply for the undergraduate research grant. I think that if nothing else a free trip to Latvia where I pretend to make Valija my translator is a good idea.
  • I feel that you are all lying to me just slightly about my cat. I didn't know he had a drain in until mouse told me. If he dies I would like not to be super surprised. I am going to be sad either way, you know.
Life is going well and I will be excited for the end of October when all my important tests deadlines and tuitions will be done/completed/paid.

1 comment:

bafinch said...

Smokie is quite sick although better each day. We took him to the vet on Friday to have the tube taken out and a bath. He is still lapping up watered down stinky soft cat food although today I soaked his regular food enough to make it a slurry.

He is having trouble tending to his arse hole. I had to wash it off for him today.

I asked the vet Friday if she had ever considered putting him down. She said she alwasy saw him as salvageable.

We won't know for a least a month if his paralasis is permanent. She said usually that kind of injury is from a car hit not a cat fight.
